DA GUYS  is a men’s group who meet for breakfast on the first Saturday of each month October through June. The idea began years ago when Rev. Betty Piwowar (our priest, now retired) asked our deacon Rev. Sean Krausert to find a way of getting more men involved in the life of St Michael’s. Sean immediately thought of bacon and speakers and we began holding a monthly men’s breakfast.  We started with an attendance of a dozen or so men of St. Michael’s and some of their friends and now have a mailing list of 150, only about one quarter of them from St Michael’s, and a normal attendance of 30 to 40. There is time for fellowship, a breakfast (a tradition started by Alan Pryor and Doug Bushulak) and an interesting speaker. While it is intended to be a men’s group, women are hospitably received when they show up, and once a year we invite Da Gals to join us. You can get involved by coming to a breakfast, or by joining Da Crew (eight or ten Guys who set up or cook or wash dishes for an hour before or after the breakfast). All of Da Guys are encouraged to invite their friends. We have a recommended donation of $10 and normally make a small profit which has gone either to Food & Friends or to the St. Michael’s capital fund. Contact cateare@shaw.ca for more information.